Week One in the Books



Here’s a day by day breakdown of how this fitness went down.

Monday: Tap class, 1 hour
Tuesday: Yoga, 15 minutes
Wednesday: Yoga, 15 minutes
Thursday: Run, 2 miles; Ballet class, 1.5 hours
Friday: General dancing and carrying on at our unit Christmas party
Saturday: Nadda. I didn’t plan so it didn’t happen.
Sunday: Yoga, 15 minutes

So that’s seven workouts so far. Not too shabby. Typically if I work I just settle for some pre-bed yoga and don’t stress out about it. I walk a lot at work anyway. Duh. It’s in the job description.

How is your December going? Keeping up with your goals?




2013 was a big year for us. Here’s a little list of accomplishments that I can toot my own horn about, in no particular order:

1. We bought a house!
2. I started work as a real life nurse.
3. I finished a half marathon.
4. We went on vacation!
5. I started and quit weight watchers at least twice.
6. I read 23 books. Which is pretty lame, but we shall shoot for more!
7. We finally finished painting the downstairs of our house.
8. Joel pretty much nailed his brisket recipe.
9. I FINALLY made a pecan pie that didn’t leak everywhere when I cut it. Plus probably the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever made.
10. We got the best coffee maker in probably the history of man.

I’m making my resolutions just like everyone else, and I’m trying to keep them realistic. I need to help myself out a bit, but first I’m going to the doctor tomorrow to make sure everything is good to go. I’m not getting any younger, and honestly after the weird stuff I have had happen to me after a lot of exertion I just want to make sure there isn’t something going on that could hurt me. Once I’m cleared I’m sure I’ll be able to come up with some crazy fitness scheme. A friend told me that fitness is a gift we give to ourselves, and as much as I don’t want to admit it, she’s pretty much right.

As far as resolutions go, I’m going to approach this year like I have approached work. Every month I focus on one thing that I need to remember to do. This can be anything: printing and posting strips, putting in co-signature notes, having my morning charting done by 1000, remembering to stock the room for the next shift, etc., etc. Sometimes things are crazy and you have no control, but for the most part I have been able to make positive changes to the way I get things done and I don’t feel like I’m forgetting a ton of stuff when I go home at night. I do this every month because a week just isn’t enough time. When you’re only required to work two or three days a week, that just isn’t enough time to make a habit out of something. A month is much more appropriate. So that’s how I will approach this year. I will make twelve positive changes about my life and lifestyle. Twelve things that may be small or seem insignificant, but will help me to be happier, healthier, and have more confidence in myself.

Sounds great doesn’t it? Haha, I’ll attempt to keep you abreast of the progress. One of the goals is to consistently blog, especially since I like blogging, and it helps me work through some shit.

How are you approaching this new year? Already have your resolutions planned out? How did 2013 treat you?
